MUSA offers two classroom options for children ages 3-5 (before Kindergarten)
Pre K Counts
- MUSA is a Department of Education Pre K Counts Grantee
- The Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts Program: is based on the quality components adopted for pre-kindergarten by the State Board of Education; provides families in participating communities with a choice of quality pre-kindergarten options in a school, childcare center, Head Start, or nursery school; increases access to quality pre-kindergarten to children and families throughout the commonwealth with a priority in at-risk communities.
- Pre K Counts classroom operates Monday to Friday from 8am-3pm,180 days during the school year. The 2024-2025 school year runs August to June, Monday through Friday (closed on major holidays)
- Before (7am-8am) and After (3pm-6pm) care is available for Pre K Counts enrolled children.
- Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack are provided
- Small teacher child ratio
- *Children must be 3 by August 23, 2025*
Pre K Prep
Pre-K Prep Operates Monday to Friday 12 months closing on certain holidays and staff training days throughout the year.
Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack provided
All programs are located in the Steel Rivers COG Building at 1705 Maple Street Room 203 in Homestead, PA.
Pre -K/ Pre School Curriculum
The Pre K and Pre School programs follow The Creative Curriculum, which focuses on exploration and discovery learning through large and small group instruction, socialization, formative assessments, and correlating lessons. This allows us to implement language and literacy, mathematics, social studies, imaginative play and physical activity. Units and structured lessons are developmentally appropriate and include daily circle time where the students are taught phonological awareness, problem solving skills, motor skills, and much more!
- Breakfast, Lunch & Snack
- Indoor/Outdoor Play Areas
- Keystone STARS Level 4 Certification
- 10:1 Maximum teacher/student ratio
- Raising a Reader Literacy Program
- Community Partnerships
Before and After Pre-K Counts Care (School Year)
We offer part-time care for children that attend our Pre-K Counts programs.
Before Pre-K Care: 7:00am – 8:00am
After Pre-K Care: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Pricing & Hours
Pre K Weekly Rates
2025-26 School Year
Before Care 7am-8am if enrolled in Pre-K Counts Classroom | Pre- K Counts Classroom Instructional Time 8am-3pm Monday- Friday Must be enrolled all 5 days 180 school days NO SUMMER | After Care 3pm-6pm If enrolled in Pre-K Counts Classroom | Pre- K Prep 7am-6pm minimum of 3 days per week 5 hours each day NOT Pre- K Counts Classroom | |
Child Care Works CCW Subsidy | CCW Copay assigned by ELRC | Free | CCW Copay assigned by ELRC | CCW Copay assigned by ELRC |
Private Pay without CCW Subsidy | $15/day | Free | $32/day | $292/wk |
Learn more about the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) here.
**We recommend that families who qualify for Head Start take advantage of the extra resources available through that program. If you feel that our Pre-K Counts classroom is a better fit for your student, you are still welcome to apply!
Please note that 2025-2026 rates are in effect until June 2025. These rates are highly subsidized thanks to funding from private donors, the Jefferson Regional Foundation, and PA Pre-K Counts funding. Pre-K Prep rate is $292 per week for full-time care (a minimum of 5 daily hours and 3 days per week).
Pre-K Summer Program
Our summer program provides a positive learning environment that helps bridge the gap between school years. We offer structured daily lessons and:
- Breakfast, Lunch, & Snack
- Indoor/Outdoor Play Areas
- Keystone STARS Level 4 Certification
- 10:1 Maximum teacher/student ratio
- Summer Read with Me program supported by Reading Ready Pittsburgh
- Community Partnerships
Time: 7:00am – 5:00pm (Monday – Friday), closed on major holidays
Summer enrollment is currently closed; please check back later.
Subsidized Tuition
Child Care Works (previously called CCIS) is the best funding option available for families who meet income and work eligibility guidelines. Learn more about this program and apply online at the Department of Human Services website. If you have questions about your eligibility, call 412-350-3577 and ask to speak to a Family Navigator. Use Provider Number 9111214162-1 for our preschool.
Note: all food is provided in accordance with the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).