The Maple Unified Student Academy (MUSA) is a nonprofit committed to providing high-quality educational programming in the Mon Valley for nearly 60 years. All MUSA programs are state-licensed and rated as a STAR 4, the highest quality rating given by the state. We aim to provide safe, inclusive, developmentally-appropriate programs that make learning fun! Meet our team here!
MUSA offers a range of programs for ages 3-12.
The Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts Program is based on the quality components adopted for Pre-K by the State Board of Education. It provides families in participating communities with a choice of quality Pre-K options in a school, childcare center, Head Start, or nursery school. It also increases access to quality Pre-K programs to children and families throughout the commonwealth with a priority in at-risk communities.
Find out more here: Pre-K Program
Barrett & Park Elementary
The After School program is open to students who attend Barrett & Park Elementary School in-person. The program provides snack, dinner (Barrett), homework help, social interaction, physical activity, and enrichment activities until 6pm Monday through Friday. Upon school dismissal, students come directly to the After School Program. The After School program coincides with the Steel Valley School District calendar.
Find out more here: After School: Barrett
Find out more here: After School: Park